Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Whats a scam ? Pick up artists episode 2:" Mistery"

 Ah, Mystery, the pioneer of the pick-up artist community, who fell from grace like a drunken fool stumbling down the stairs of a seedy nightclub. From his staged pickups to his exorbitant fees to introduce you to people who are probably just as confused as he is, it's a wild ride.

Let's start with the "Mystery Method" — a book that's about as relevant as a VCR manual in today's world of Netflix and chill. But wait, there's more! He's got a "peacock theory" that encourages you to stand out by looking like an absolute tool. Oh sure, wear that gigantic hat or that furry monstrosity on your head. People will notice you, alright! They'll just wish they hadn't.

But don't worry, he's not just selling outdated advice and ridiculous fashion tips. Oh no, he's also turning cool people into complete jerks! Because nothing says "confidence" like treating women like objects and reducing them to numbers. And if that's not enough, he's got some weird ideas about how to "ambush" women, because apparently, consent is so last season.

But here's the kicker: he's not just a scammer, he's a psychopath! He sees social interactions as a twisted game, and women as nothing more than prey. And if you don't believe me, just read his book. It's like a master class in how to be a complete misogynist. So, in conclusion, Mystery might be the king of pick-up artists, but he's also the king of douchebags.

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